About Us

Mimer - About - History
Mimer - About - Vision/Mission

Millions of Installations Worldwide

Here are just a few of our customers and partners who use Mimer SQL in their solutions.

Alexander Forbes (ZAF)
CellaVision (SWE)
DJ Galvanizing (CAN)
Hammersmith Hospital (GBR)
IMS Maxims (GBR)
Medical Products Agency (SWE)
Nectar Systems (SWE)
Nucletron (NLD)
SAAB Systems (SWE)
Savant Enterprises (GBR)
Software of Excellence (AUS)
Swedish National Food Administration
SYNAPSE Science Center (RUS)
Telia Sonera (SWE)
Uppsala University Hospital (SWE)
Volvo Cars (SWE)

Axiell Bibliotekssystem (SWE)
Cross Control (SWE)
Foxtons (GBR)
(GBR) Huddinge University Hospital (SWE)
Karolinska institutet (SWE)
Ministry of Health (CYP)
NHS Blood and Transplant Service (GBR)
Sam Houston State University (USA)
Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (SWE)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
SYSteam (SWE)
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
VoltDelta (USA)
Yulong (CHN)


Mimer Information Technology has representatives worldwide. Our representatives can provide you with more information on the Mimer SQL product family and arrange demonstrations and trial installations.

Mimer Information Technology is a Swedish software company and the developer of the Mimer SQL which is used in mission critical systems worldwide. The unique Mimer SQL database is suitable for all applications from big Enterprise solutions to Industrial Embedded solutions as for the Automotive and Mobile Industries. The development of the Mimer SQL started as early as in the 1970’s. Headquarters is situated in Uppsala, Sweden.

Lineo Solutions, Inc. (Japan)

1589-1 Kitaono
Nagano 399-0651
Tel: +81 263 56 23 17
Fax: +81 263 56 23 19
E-mail: sales@lineo.co.jp
Web: www.lineo.co.jp

Formula Open Soft (Benelux)

Postbus 1171
3300 BD Dordrecht
Tel: +31 (0)78 673 63 41
Fax: + 31 (0)78 673 65 29
E-mail: jaap.houtman@formulaopensoft.com
Web: www.formulaopensoft.com

Mimer Hellas Ltd (Greece)

345B, Patission Av.
111 44 Athens
Tel: +30 210 201 09 09
Fax: +30 210 201 09 11
E-mail: info@mimerhellas.com
Web: www.mimerhellas.com