Category: News

  • Mimer in Renesas booth at Embedded World 2022

    During the Embedded World 2022 conference & exhibition, June 21-23, will Renesas host a presentation displaying the result of the partnership between ETAS, Trustonic and Mimer.

    This presentation, running on Renesas hardware, showcases the ETAS’ Mimer SQL integration with their AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform, together with Mimer Trust, the secure storage solution stemming from the collaboration between Trustonic and Mimer.

    The presentation is a demonstration of how data that originates in an automotive environment can be managed using Mimer SQL, both to enable easy access to data where applicable, but also how this data can be secured and hidden from non-authorised entities.

  • Mimer at ETAS Connections

    Last week Karl-König Königsson from Mimer, attended ETAS Connections, an overview of where the industry for software in the vehicle is today. ETAS showcased a solution for AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform where Mimer SQL is the persistence layer. We were very exited to see this live!

    Read more about the event here: ETAS 2021

    #ETASConnections2021 #ETAS #MimerSQL #SQL

  • Mimer at VECS 2022

    At VECS 2022, May 17-18 in Gothenburg, will Karl-König Königsson, manager for embedded development at Mimer in Uppsala, talk on the subject of ”The database: an obvious component in a complex real-time environment” as part of the Electronics & Architecture track on day 2.

    VECS, Vehicle Electronics & Connected Services is THE event for those who are defining the direction for future strategic decisions in the field of autonomous drive and electrical vehicles as well as experts in electrical and electronical vehicle engineering. It has also become Northern Europe’s most important meeting place for OEMs, suppliers, service providers and universities, for sharing innovations, views and set the course for the future. The event has expanded rapidly and become increasingly international and features more than 100 speakers and expects more than 1200 attendees.

    For further details and conference programme, see

  • Mimer Information Technology wishing you a happy summer

    The summer is here and it is time for well earned R&R for the Mimer development team. These last six months have been extremely productive, now that we have managed to navigate the hurdles and obstacles the pandemic put in front of us, and that so drastically has changed the way everybody in this industry works. New ways of communicating and new ways of collaborating were created by the team, driven by necessity and ingenuity. ”Adopt, adapt and improve”, as the old adage goes, and the results have exceeded our expectations.

    Last year we saw Mimer SQL version 11 finally in its release version and this year we have been hard at work with ironing out the wrinkles and also, for the first time, made a release for Linux ARM. ARM is a strategically important plattform, being dominating in the automotive domain, and this release is a major milestone in that it is the first time we have made an ARM version generally available as part of the version 11.0.5 release. We have a long tradition of releasing Mimer SQL for  different architectures but those have all been customer oriented but this time it is a new packaging for general consumption, and that is very exciting.

    Another first was our release for Docker, a plattform that serves many purposes. Docker is gaining traction, both in the cloud, in the datacenter and on the desktop and is an excellent vehicle for trying out Mimer SQL. This has also been proven by the academic world, where one of the Swedish Universities use Mimer SQL for Docker as part of their curriculum, since Mimer SQL is the closest one can get to a reference implementation of the SQL standard. Using Docker ensures that the students have identical installations and that assignments handed out, managed, and presented, regardless of how the students have set up their respective computing environments.

    Looking ahead we see equal focus on the enterprise and our embedded solutions, as well as improving and extending Mimer SQL. The foundation and the groundwork that have been more than five years in the making are now starting to pay dividends and we have a true plattform for the future – the future for innovation in Mimer SQL, but most importantly, the future for our customers.

  • Mimer SQL 11 available now!

    We can now proudly present Mimer SQL 11 as a released product!

    The new major version of Mimer SQL is the result of more than five years development with focus on performance and scalability. The result is dramatically improved performance in the database kernel, in the SQL compiler and the optimizer, performance in the integration with the host operating system and performance in the client communication, just to mention a few.

    Mimer SQL is a true 64-bit solution for databases, fully supporting the SQL standard, and built on very modern and flexible codebase, and among the many new features in Mimer SQL the following stands out:

    • Full support for SQL-2016 core as well as 137 extended features.
    • Support for 327 Terabyte cache and/or in-memory server
    • 4 Exabyte is maximum size of each databank file
    • Out of the box cloud support with Docker and Kubernetes integrations
    • Extended security features with state-of-the-art network encryption

    Read the full release note here: What is Mimer SQL 11

    Download the Linux version here: Mimer Developer Downloads

    Mimer Version 11 for Windows, VMS and other operating systems will be released within short.

  • Mimer Automotive demo in the news

    Mimer is featured in the June edition of Elektroniktidningen, a Swedish trade magazine that provides Swedish design engineers, and other professionals within the Swedish electronics industry, with qualified news, sharp analysis and in-depth technical articles.

    The Mimer article outlines one of our demonstrators for the automotive industry. As part of our targeting of this important and expanding market segment we have built a demonstration application that highlights some of the unique capabilities in Mimer SQL that are of particular interest in the context of a connected vehicle. This was done in order to showcase the advantages of adding an embedded relational database to the complex problem of managing the data flows in, to and from a connected vehicle in a cloud environment.

    The article is published at Since it is in Swedish a translated version can be accessed at

    For further information contact

  • Mimer SQL is integrated with Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment

    Trustonic and Mimer jointly offers a secure architecture for data management using Mimer SQL and Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment. Trustonic is a world-class provider of cybersecurity solutions for protecting smartphones, critical mobile apps, wearables, IoT devices, healthtech and automotive systems.

    Mimer SQL is using a Trusted Application running inside Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment. The database encryption key is stored in a hardware isolated secure storage, well protected from potentially malicious code running in the rich execution environment. This solution has several advantages – the key is protected but also easily accessible for the Mimer server to use when needed. The security is increased substantially with almost no loss in performance.

    Kinibi is Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment operating system Kinibi is Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment operating system which can execute Trusted Applications on a device using ARM TrustZone technology. The TEE is used to protect and isolate sensitive assets, such as sensitive code or information. Kinibi has been integrated in over one billion devices of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and IoT devices.

    To solve the problem of database encryption key storage, Mimer SQL is To solve the problem of database encryption key storage, Mimer SQL is leveraging Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), Kinibi, to provide a hardware isolated secure storage for the encryption key. All code execution that uses the key, such as encryption and decryption, is executed by Mimer’s Trusted Application running in the TEE. This way, the key is protected from potentially malicious applications or code running in the Rich Execution Environment. Mimer’s Trusted Application is also completely isolated from other Trusted Applications that may exist in the TEE. The architecture of the solution can be seen in figure 1 below.

    Figure 1: Architecture overview of Mimer SQL’s integration with Kinibi.
    For further details see White paper, “Mimer SQL utilizing Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment”.
    For more information contact

    About Trustonic

    Trustonic is a provider of cybersecurity solutions for protecting smartphones, critical mobile apps, wearables, IoT devices, healthtech and automotive systems.

    Trustonic’s solutions utilise the Trusted Execution Environment (“TEE”) on devices, a ring-fenced, highly secure area of the main processor that guarantees sensitive data is stored, processed and protected in a trusted and physically isolated environment.

    Trustonic’s hardware-backed security platform is embedded in over 2 billion devices and provides unique security solutions for app developers in banks, payment platforms, automotive manufacturers, government bodies and mobile network operators.

    About Mimer

    Mimer Information Technology is a Swedish software company and the developer Mimer SQL, a database which is used in mission critical systems worldwide. The Mimer SQL product family range covers database management technologies from embedded and real-time systems to enterprise servers. Mimer SQL has been deployed in more than 100 million mobile phones and is a cross OS and platform-independent database with a strong support for the broadest range of embedded and automotive architectures. No matter what device or solution it might be, Mimer SQL fits perfectly and shows superior performance, safety and security. The development of Mimer SQL started as early as in the 1970s and Mimer has headquarters in Uppsala and offices in Stockholm and Beijing, China.

  • ECS 2018

    ECS 2018

    Karl-König Königsson held an inspiring presentation at ECS 2018, Embedded Conference Scandinavia in Kista , Sweden, Europe’s largest embedded conference, where he talked about the implications of using a database in an embedded environment and the benefits that entails in regard to data security, integrity and shortened time to market.

  • BG Software – Our sales in Benelux

    BG Software – Our sales in Benelux

    Mimer has signed a Sales Representation Agreement for BeNeLux with BG Software concerning Mimer SQL for VMS. BGS is located in The Netherlands and their main focus is to sell software licenses to partner/reseller channels and end-users. BGS’ network of partners is a powerful mix of IT professionals, System Integrators and Resellers that address their local markets and will help their customers getting hold of Mimer SQL for VMS.

  • Mimer SQL also for QNX

    Mimer SQL also for QNX

    Mimer is proud to announce the addition of yet another operating system to our current offering with the recent addition of Mimer SQL database management system for QNX.

    Mimer SQL database management system has a proven track record of implementations in high availability solutions and QNX OS for Safety is a software solution that provides the reliable foundation necessary for building competitive automotive and mission-critical systems in a cost-effective and safe manner. By adding support for QNX to Mimer SQL we can provide developers of, amongst others: Control systems in autonomous vehicles, ADAS systems, Digital and hybrid instrument clusters, High-speed train systems and Industrial automation a way to store, handle and analyze data in a safe and scalable manner, all with unparalleled performance.